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Dr. Robin Sharma
A specialist in treating complex issues to improve the daily lives of his clients, Dr Robin has developed a unique integrated approach to support healing at a structural, visceral and somatic-emotional level. Drawing on more than 15 years of clinical and therapeutic experience, Dr Robin uses holistic osteopathy principles to uncover the deeper underlying causes of pain and disturbance and restore equilibrium. His treatments blend osteopathy, manual medicine, visceral manipulation and chiropractic techniques, supporting the body’s natural ability to heal. He excels in alleviating pain, reducing stress and improving mobility with a combination of gentle hands-on manipulations, enhancing wellbeing from within.
Treatment Options
Manual Medicine Assessment (15 mins – Complimentary):
Diagnostics through dialogue, postural analysis, and movement assessment using static and motion diagnostics.
Posture Correction (60/90 mins):
Comprehensive physical assessment based on osteopathic and kinesiology principles. Beneficial for posture, muscle efficiency, decreased wear on joints and spine alignment.
Full Body Chiropractic Adjustment and Alignment (45 mins):
Manipulation to improve pain and joint mobility and restore the integrity of the spine. Restorative and beneficial for ailments from neck to lower back pain to arthritis.
Cranio-Sacral Therapy (45/60 mins)
A gentle hands-on method releasing central nervous system soft tissue restrictions. Relieves pain and dysfunction, from migraines and sleep disorders to anxiety and depression.
Visceral Osteopathy (60 mins)
A holistic approach that addresses the deep connections between our organs and the musculoskeletal system, relieving various abdominal and pelvic issues.
Emotional Liberation Breathing (60/90 mins)
A breathing technique to cleanse negative emotions, dissolve emotional and physical blockages and resolve issues rooted in the subconscious and unconscious mind. •
Follow-up Sessions (45/60 mins)
Includes chiropractic and osteopathic manipulations, soft tissue work and more, tailored to each individual.
Rates (per person):
• Private sessions: USD340++ (45 mins); USD380++ (60 mins); USD420++ (90 mins)
Prices are subject to tax and service charges. For reservations, please dial 5.

May 9th, 2025 - Jun 8th, 2025
Dr. Robin Sharma
Contact: ayurma.maldives@fourseasons.com
Switchboard: +(960) 66 00 888
Four Seasons Resort Maldives
at Landaa Giraavaru
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Dr. Robin Sharma
A specialist in treating complex issues to improve the daily lives of his clients, Dr Robin has developed a unique integrated approach to support healing at a structural, visceral and somatic-emotional level. Drawing on more than 15 years of clinical and therapeutic experience, Dr Robin uses holistic osteopathy principles to uncover the deeper underlying causes of pain and disturbance and restore equilibrium. His treatments blend osteopathy, manual medicine, visceral manipulation and chiropractic techniques, supporting the body’s natural ability to heal. He excels in alleviating pain, reducing stress and improving mobility with a combination of gentle hands-on manipulations, enhancing wellbeing from within.

May 9th, 2025 - Jun 8th, 2025
Dr. Robin Sharma