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Christopher Harrison
Founder of AntiGravity® & Father of Aerial Yoga, global entrepreneur, and visionary, Christopher Harrison founded AntiGravity® in 1991. He and his team have trailblazed new genres in the field of movement, allowing humans to ‘fly’ thanks to the Harrison AntiGravity® hammock. Christopher’s discoveries as a biohacker have been revolutionary and continue to evolve at his AntiGravity Lab in NYC, while his eight fully accredited fitness/yoga programs are now found in over 50 countries. Christopher is also a Broadway aerial choreographer, contributing to multiple Tony award wins. For more information, visit www.antigravityfitness.com.
Treatment Options
Practice with the master! Experiment with supported sun salutations, leveraged asanas, zero- compression inversions, multi-dimensional vinyasa flow patterns and levitating meditations using Christopher’s AntiGravity® Hammock. The hammock supports novice students, challenges regular practitioners, and is fun for all! Sessions customised to all fitness levels.
AntiGravity®Floating Massage: A one-on-one aerial massage session (done in gym wear) that provides muscular and mental tension release through sensory stimulation and mobility exercises. Using the AntiGravity hammock, Christopher creates leverage to open space in the body and mind. Not suitable for sufferers of serious dizziness.
AntiGravity® Traction Therapy: Decompress, de-kink, mobilise and strengthen the spine and hip and shoulder girdles with therapeutic traction release methods and mobility exercises in the AntiGravity hammock. This session is guaranteed to alleviate back pain, set healing in motion—and even make you taller.
AntiGravity® Restorative Yoga: Be carefully guided into a zero-compression inversion using the AntiGravity hammock to de-kink and re- energise – great after a long flight! Mobilise joints, stretch muscles, pump the heart, rehydrate the spinal disks and recalibrate all bodily systems. Closes with levitating meditation and sound healing.
Group AntiGravity® Sessions daily at 11:30am (75 minutes)
USD 150 per person
Private Sessions
60 minutes – USD 275
90 minutes – USD 350
Jun 1st - 14th, 2023
Christopher Harrison
Contact: ayurma.maldives@fourseasons.com
Switchboard: +(960) 66 00 888
Four Seasons Resort Maldives
at Landaa Giraavaru
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Christopher Harrison
Founder of AntiGravity® & Father of Aerial Yoga, global entrepreneur, and visionary, Christopher Harrison founded AntiGravity® in 1991. He and his team have trailblazed new genres in the field of movement, allowing humans to ‘fly’ thanks to the Harrison AntiGravity® hammock. Christopher’s discoveries as a biohacker have been revolutionary and continue to evolve at his AntiGravity Lab in NYC, while his eight fully accredited fitness/yoga programs are now found in over 50 countries. Christopher is also a Broadway aerial choreographer, contributing to multiple Tony award wins. For more information, visit www.antigravityfitness.com.
Jun 1st - 14th, 2023
Christopher Harrison