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Visceral Osteopathy: A Holistic Solution for Back Pain Linked to Visceral Dysfunctions


By Dr. Vikas Sharma, Manual Medicine Practitioner and Visiting Master at AyurMa

Visceral Osteopathy
Visceral Osteopathy

Back pain is a complex condition that can occur from a variety of factors, including muscular imbalances, spinal issues, and postural problems. However, one often overlooked aspect in understanding and treating back pain is the health of the internal organs or viscera. In the context of visceral osteopathy, the relationship between visceral health and back pain is particularly important. Visceral osteopathy recognizes that dysfunctions in the internal organs and the connective tissues that support them can lead to or exacerbate musculoskeletal pain, including discomfort in the back.

Here’s how visceral health plays a crucial role in back pain, particularly from the perspective of visceral osteopathy.

1. Visceral Organs and Their Impact on Musculoskeletal Function

The organs in your abdomen and pelvis—such as the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, bladder, and reproductive organs—are not isolated structures; they are connected to the musculoskeletal system via fascia, ligaments, and nerves. When an organ experiences dysfunction—whether due to poor mobility, inflammation, scar tissue from surgery, or chronic conditions—it can place strain on the surrounding muscles and tissues.

For example:

  • Digestive issues like constipation or bloating can create internal pressure in the abdominal cavity, which may lead to compensations in the muscles of the lower back and pelvis. This can result in discomfort, tightness, or pain in the lumbar region.

  • Pelvic health problems such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis can alter the alignment and function of the pelvis, leading to misalignment in the spine and surrounding muscles, contributing to lower back pain.

2. How Visceral Restrictions Contribute to Back Pain

Visceral osteopathy focuses on detecting and treating restrictions or tension in the internal organs and their related connective tissues. These restrictions or tension can create a ripple effect that impacts the musculoskeletal system.

  • Adhesions or Scar Tissue: After surgery or injury, scar tissue can form around the organs or their supporting structures. These adhesions can limit the movement of the organs, which in turn restricts the movement of the spine and pelvis, leading to pain in the lower back.

  • Organ Tension: Organs that are stiff, inflamed, or under stress can exert pressure on nearby muscles, fascia, and joints. For example, a tight or inflamed colon can affect the lumbar spine by creating tension in the surrounding abdominal muscles.

  • Poor Organ Mobility: Organs that are not moving freely (due to inflammation, congestion, or dysfunction) can lead to compensatory patterns in the body. For instance, if the diaphragm or intestines are restricted, it can affect the function of the lower back muscles as they attempt to compensate for the limited mobility of the organs. This leads to muscle strain, discomfort, and potentially long-term back pain.

3. Nerve Connections Between Organs and the Spine

The body’s internal organs are heavily connected to the central nervous system through a network of nerves. These nerves send and receive signals between the organs and the spinal cord, which can influence the muscles and joints in the back.

For example:

  • Kidney dysfunction or urinary issues may create pain around the lower back and flank areas due to the nerve pathways that supply the kidneys and the lumbar spine.

  • Digestive problems such as bloating or constipation can create discomfort in the abdomen that radiates to the lower back because of the nerve connections between the digestive system and the lumbar region.

4. Visceral Osteopathy Techniques for Treating Back Pain

Visceral osteopathy works to release restrictions in the visceral organs and improve their function through gentle, hands-on techniques. This process often involves:

  • Mobilizing the Organs: By gentle manipulation of the tissues around the organs (e.g., intestines, liver, bladder), visceral osteopaths can improve the mobility of these structures. This can relieve pressure on the surrounding muscles, fascia, and joints, potentially alleviating pain in the lower back.

  • Releasing Adhesions: Scar tissue or adhesions that form after surgery, injury, or inflammation can restrict organ movement and affect spinal alignment. Visceral osteopathy techniques can help break down these adhesions, restoring normal mobility to both the organs and the musculoskeletal system.

  • Enhancing Blood Flow and Lymphatic Drainage: Poor circulation can exacerbate pain and inflammation in both the organs and the muscles. By improving blood flow to the abdominal and pelvic organs, visceral osteopathy can help reduce inflammation and muscle tension, promoting healing in the lower back.

  • Balancing the Nervous System: Visceral osteopathy works to reduce sympathetic nervous system dominance (the "fight or flight" response) and promote parasympathetic balance (the "rest and digest" state). This can help reduce the muscle tightness that often accompanies chronic pain and promote relaxation in the muscles surrounding the spine.

5. Integrated Approach to Low Back Pain

One of the greatest strengths of visceral osteopathy is its holistic approach. Instead of focusing solely on the spine and musculoskeletal system, it looks at the entire body and how various systems (muscular, skeletal, and visceral) are interconnected. By treating dysfunctions in the internal organs, visceral osteopaths can help restore balance and alleviate pain in the lower back that might be caused by an underlying visceral issue.


Visceral osteopathy highlights the significant connection between the health of the internal organs and musculoskeletal pain, including back pain. Dysfunction in the organs can lead to restrictions, tension, and compensatory patterns that manifest as discomfort in the back. By addressing these underlying visceral issues through gentle manipulation, visceral osteopathy can help restore balance, improve mobility, and reduce pain.

If you are experiencing chronic or recurring low back pain, consider exploring the potential benefits of visceral osteopathy as part of your treatment plan. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider to determine if this approach is right for you.

Dr. Vikas Sharma returns as Visiting Master at AyurMa at Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru from February 9 to March 8, 2025. Book your session with him to experience holistic back pain relief with visceral osteopathy.

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