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The Zhiva Method: how does an ancient Slavic practice help in physical and mental healing and correcting life for the best?


The Zhiva Method is a natural healing system that not only benefits the body and spirit but also helps materialise desired life situations. What is the principle behind this reviving practice, and what do Zhiva, Ayurveda, and Naturopathy have in common? Let’s explore this with Elena Yarga, bioenergy therapist, hereditary healer, and Visiting Practitioner at Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru.

The Zhiva Method is a natural healing system

What is Zhiva?

If we rephrase the term and essence of the method in a modern way, Zhiva can be referred to as “the art of healthy living”. We are talking about an ancient Slavic practice of healing through life-giving energy – hence the name: Zhiva means that which “gives and supports life itself”.

The concept of the so-called “universal flow of Life Energy” exists in many traditions and cultures. The essence is the same and the difference comes down only to terminology and partly the intensity of the impact of this flow. Chi, Ki, Reiki, Prana, Zhiva – all these are different names for one phenomenon: the energy of life. It is needed by every single living being and thing: water, plants, animals and humans. Moreover, each living being requires energy of a certain vibration and frequency.

By interacting with Zhiva, a person gets the opportunity to conduct a large amount of light energy through the body and thereby heal himself. Thus, the practice of Zhiva is nothing more than deep energy work and restructuring, leading to transformation of the body in accordance with the natural forces originally embedded in each of us.

How does Zhiva interact with the body and spirit?

The practice of “Zhiva” is a process of aligning energies at both the physical and spiritual levels.

The method is based on the following aspects:

  • Vibration of the Zhiva master’s palms and fingers

  • The power of healing mantras and prayers pronounced during the session

  • Healing through activation of energy flows

The main life-giving substance and core of the method is called the Light of Prav’ – a healing energy flow through which the elimination of problems hidden in the depths of our body, subconscious and memory is carried out. According to ancient Slavic canons, Prav’ is the space and world of Light Higher Forces, from where the divine laws of the Universe are transmitted to us.

During the practice, our basic energies that control our entire existence are being tuned and calibrated.

How is the work of a healer practicing Zhiva organized?

The energy of Zhiva itself is structured according to the principle of the “flower of life” in accordance with sacred geometry.

What does this mean? There are seven vital centres or “chakras” in the body. With the Zhiva method, the healer works through them all according to the “structure of eights”: using circular, spiral and wave-like movements with the hands. “Eight” or the so-called “lemniscate” is a key form through which all centres are connected, and the overall energy balance is built.

There are other special techniques in Zhiva. Healers who actively practice this method achieve the main positive effects due to the techniques of removal and dissolution.

When the master uses left-hand counterclockwise movements, the negative is neutralized: this is the liberating power of Zhiva, which allows you to get rid of pain, emotional tension, stress, sadness, anger and depression.

If the master leads the spiral from the centre of the body, the outflow of negative energy increases: this is how the soul and body open up, releasing everything that interferes with a healthy and harmonious life, and accelerating the healing processes.

During each session, the healer is also required to connect his imagination, visualizing rainbow light in the form of eights and thereby harmonizing the energy field of the person receiving.

What role do vibrations play in working with energy?

The whole world is energy circulating in constant motion and its movement is nothing more than vibrations. Vibrations of vital energy are a priori healing: they revive and rejuvenate all organs and tissues at the deepest, intracellular level.

Consequently, when such vibrations of vital force are absent in any organ, tissue or cell, a stagnant process begins to develop there, and illness is inevitable. It’s important to note here that most of the existing diseases originate in the digestive tract. Waste that accumulates there as a result of stagnant processes poisons the entire body and makes a person unhealthy. At the same time, food that cannot be properly digested due to these stagnant processes is not beneficial, but only brings harm.

It is for this reason that vibrational treatment of the abdominal area occupies a special place in the practice of Zhiva, transferring the necessary energy to the digestive organs so that they can cleanse themselves at a deep cellular level and regain their activity and health.

If, when placing a hand on any area of the abdomen, the healer does not feel warmth, but instead feels cold or complete internal emptiness, this indicates that the etheric body in this place is very strongly deformed, and pathological processes have already begun in the organs. If, however, a tingling sensation or blood pulsation occurs when pressing, it means that the healing forces have been activated and the healing process has begun.

How can energy stagnation be eliminated?

The answer is simple: make the cells vibrate. How is this done?We can influence our stagnant tissues with the help of physical exercise as it creates a kind of “shaking” that makes the cells come to life. Something similar happens with our body. But it often happens that such physical activities affect only certain areas of the body, while in other parts stagnation continues to persist. For example, external muscles come to life and begin to actively fill up with vibrations, but the muscles of the internal organs (for example, stomach, intestines, walls of blood vessels) continue to experience energy deficiency. Besides, in order for the entire body to ultimately receive a sufficient amount of vibrations, physical exercise must be constant and very intense. In some cases, it can be unsafe even for a completely healthy person, while for a sick person it is completely contraindicated.

Energy vibrations that can be sent to the body by the hands of the Zhiva master are capable of revitalizing all organs and tissues without exception, forcing each cell to be charged with life.

By creating such vibrations, it is possible to eliminate blocks and various inclusions of negative energy structures that are the root cause of the diseased state of one or another organ.

Zhiva vibrations restore unimpeded energy circulation, eliminate energy breakdowns and, thanks to this, encourage organs and tissues to work properly again. After all, by healing our energy nature, we correct the “energy pattern” distorted by incorrect ideas about life. By correcting the energy, we simultaneously correct the physical body as well.

This is especially effective if the energy vibrations are combined with healing prayer and physical vibrations of the fingers of the Zhiva master’s hands, affecting exactly the organ that needs help and support. Starting to vibrate, tissues and cells are being healed and rejuvenated, as stagnation of energy is replaced by its harmonious natural flow.

The highest vibrations of our consciousness and spirit are the vibrations of Zhiva. They are divine in their essence, as this super-high subtle energy is capable of processing and recycling the “dirt” accumulated in our etheric body into Light and Power. As a result, a person’s condition begins to rapidly change for the better.

The main work within the session is activated when a person’s energy connects with the energy of the Zhiva master: at this moment, the healing process of harmonization begins according to the intention formulated at the beginning of the session. The master precisely focuses and directs the energy flow, working with all energy channels of the human body at once.

Zhiva, Ayurveda and Naturopathy: what do they have in common?

Zhiva, like Ayurveda and Naturopathy, is closely connected with the healing energies of the natural elements. In this case, each organ requires a specific type of energy associated with a particular element for proper functioning.

  • Eyes (vision) – Fire element: responsible for metabolism, body temperature, digestion and thinking processes, visual function.

  • Nose (smell) – Earth element: it controls the solid structure of the body: bones, cartilage, muscles, tendons, skin, nails, hair.

  • Mouth (taste) – Water element: responsible for the vital activity of tissues of organs of all parts of the body.

  • Skin (touch) – Air element: completely controls the nervous system, manifests itself in muscle movements, heart pulsation, expansion and contraction of the lungs, movement of the walls of the stomach and intestinal tract.

  • Ears (hearing) – Ether element: responsible for the spatial areas of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, mouth, nose, chest, capillaries, blood vessels, tissues and cells.

The coordinated work of the complex internal structure of a person directly depends on the quality and timeliness of receiving the entire spectrum of necessary energies. Zhiva is able to satisfy energy hunger in just one session. Experience the power of Zhiva for yourself with Visiting Master Elena Yarga who will be in residence at AyurMa at Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru from January 10 to February 8, 2025.

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