by Dr Nikhil Natayil, Master in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics and Herbs

First described in classic Ayurvedic texts and called upon today at AyurMa for its powerful healing benefits, Shirodhara is a procedure during which medicated oils or other liquids are steadily dripped onto the forehead, inducing a deeply relaxed state of mind and awareness.
Therapeutically, this procedure is recommended for many psychosomatic conditions like anxiety, insomnia, hypertension, diabetes, and stress caused by chronic disease.
The particular liquid chosen for a guest—medicated oils, buttermilk and milk are all typically used—is based on the condition being treated and also by considering the
Ayurvedic body type of each guest. While a wide variety of medicated oils are used for Shirodhara, the healing Ayurvedic oils of Ksheerabala, Dhanwantharam, Triphaladi and Mahanarayana are the most common. The complete Shirodhara treatment at AyurMa is initiated with a full body, four-handed synchronised massage. This is then followed by the steady rhythmic dripping of the chosen liquid on the forehead, in between the eyebrows.
Science backs the healing power of Shirodhara The continuous dripping of liquid at the core of Shirodhara produces vibrations and electromagnetic waves that reach the brain’s cerebral cortex, leading to a profound tranquilising effect. ECGs show that brain changes are similar to those observed during deep meditation, while cortisol levels are significantly reduced, indicating that a state of relaxation is achieved. Furthermore, studies have found that after undergoing Shirodhara, there is an increase in catecholamines—hormones produced by the adrenal glands that help the body respond to stress.
To book a deeply relaxing Shirodhara therapy at AyurMa or to find out more about its benefits, please contact our team here.